The winter off season is a great time to evaluate your game and re-set your goals for the coming year.
The question is where to start? Based on years of coaching and teaching experience I would reflect on the golf you played in the last six months. In doing so you are gaining valuable insight on your strengths and weaknesses in a particular area. For example, putting, short game shots inside of 30 yards, tee shots, etc. Next, take a closer look at which of those areas can have the biggest impact on your score when improved. That is your starting point. From there an improvement plan can be built based on your skill level and goals. Remember to get back to the basics and practice your A,B,C’s:
Whatever area you have selected to improve, keep your focus on three main criteria.:
1. Attainable
a. Does what you are trying to achieve match up with the time and effort you have to pursue it?
2. Benchmark
a. If you don’t measure it, you can’t manage it. Identify your baseline and set progress goals.
3. Consistency
a. Be consistent in your pursuit of better, frequency and discipline matter.
In an effort for you to improve an individual area of your game there are four zones that influence the overall success of that area. One or more of these zones may be the culprit of your inconsistency and erratic ball striking. Identifying and practicing the proper elements in that zone are paramount to your success.
1. Set up
2. Technique
3. Strategy
4. Process
Allowing your plan for improvement to be focused on the A,B,C’s and four zones; you have increased your chances for improvement in that particular area and it contributing positive results to your total score.